Special Services
In accordance with newly enacted legislation, the District will provide the parent or guardian of a student with an IEP, who is receiving related services pursuant to that IEP, with a copy of related service logs at the student's annual review IEP meeting. Additionally, a parent or guardian may request to view or receive a copy of his or her child's related service logs at any time and the District will provide those logs within ten business days of the request.
- Evaluation/Child Find
- Non-Public Evaluations/ISP
- Disability Areas – https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Special-Education-Disability-Areas.aspx
- Special Education Programs
- IEP Plans – https://www.isbe.net/Documents/Parent-Guide-Special-Ed-Aug20.pdf#page=44
- 504 Plans – https://www.isbe.net/Documents/Parent-Guide-Special-Ed-Aug20.pdf#page=142
- Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities (English)
- Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities (Spanish)
- Extended School Year
- IL-ABLE Brochure
- Understanding PUNS (English) – https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=47620
- Understanding PUNS (Spanish) – https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=47621
- Right to have an interpreter for meetings – https://www.isbe.net/Documents/Communicating-in-Parents-Native-Language-Requirements%20.pdf
About Us
South Holland School District 151 is committed to providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment with full educational opportunities to children with disabilities, from birth through primary school aged, regardless of the severity of the disability. Special Education and related services are available to meet the unique needs of students and are specifically designed for each student.
For students eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and or 504 disability act, School District 151 will follow procedures for identification, evaluation, placement and delivery of services to children with disabilities provided in the Illinois State Board of Education’s Rules and Regulations to govern the administration of special education.
The district maintains membership in the ECHO Cooperative which assists the school district in fulfilling its obligation to the district’s students with disabilities by providing a continum of of special education services. If necessary, students may also be placed in nonpublic special education programs or special education facilities.
- Treating staff and students with dignity and respect
- Creating classrooms that promote active student engagement
- Supporting data driven decisions utilizing formative and summative assessments
- Offering quality and sustainable professional learning opportunities
- Preparing students to meet secondary and post-secondary goals
- Promoting positive behavior interventions
Links for Staff:
- Embrace
- Tames
- ISBE-Special Education Services
- ISBE-Special Education Services-Administrators
- ISBE-Special Education Services-Teachers
How to Read your Child's IEP
The following is a brief overview of the IEP documents and where information and services are located. The IEP can be overwhelming to read as a lot of information is contained in the document. This is because many times there are multiple specialists working with a student and each member of the IEP team inputs information into the IEP. Hopefully this overview will help you navigate the IEP document. At any time if you have questions about your child’s IEP or the services he/she is receiving, please contact your child’s case manager.
How to Read Your Child’s IEP (Detailed description)
Co-Teaching Model
In an effort to increase the number of students with disabilities who receive their instruction in the general education classroom, the district has implemented a co-teaching model as a part of the full continuum of services available to students with special needs.
The district currently has 12 co-teaching pairs district-wide consisting of one general education and one special education teacher sharing responsibility for instruction in the general education classroom. We have received technical support and teacher training through research based theories which are a LRE (least restrictive environment) initiative through the Illinois State Board of Education. Decisions regarding placement in a co-taught class are made by the IEP team.
Immunization Data 2024-2025
Health Information
Physical Restraints and Time Out Reduction Plan
Family Christian Health Partnership
Diabetes Awareness