Superintendent's Cabinet
The Superintendent's Cabinet is comprised of the district's senior level administrators. This 10-member leadership team holds bi-weekly meetings to discuss educational, operational, programmatic, and fiscal issues related to the maintenance of the district's schools.

| Dr. Teresa D. Hill, Ed.D, Superintendent of Schools - District Vision and Mission
- Strategic Plan
- District and School Improvement
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Pupil Population Management
- Grant Compliance
- Human Resources
- District Policies and Procedures
- Student Assistance and Interventions
| Mr. Ernest Clark, Assistant Superintendent/CSBO - Accounting, Audits, Bond/Debt, Payroll
- Bids Request & Proposals, & Budget
- Risk Management
- Physical Plant Operations & Grounds Maintenance
- Student Transportation
- FOIA Officer

| Mrs. Kathryn Varner, Director of Curriculum and Assessment - Math Curriculum
- Professional Development
- Assessments (District/State)
- Develop Implement, & Evaluate Programs
| Mr. Christopher Roth, Director of Technology - Network & Communication Services
- Technology Support & Implementation
- Student Information Systems
- Technology Integration
- Strategic Management Systems

| Dr. Karen Anderson, Director of Special Services - Special Education
- Section 504
- Social Work
- Nursing and Health Services
- Speech Services
- District Homeless Liaison

| Mrs. Vanessa Bradley, Coordinator of PR & Communication - Parent and Community Engagement
- District Communication (Print & Digital)

| Mrs. Christine Wilson, Principal of Taft School - Staff Management
- Educational Goals
- Enforce District and School Policies
- Develop Implement, & Evaluate Programs
- Early Childhood Education (Pre-k)

| Mr. Peter Kolinski, Principal of Eisenhower School - Staff Management
- Educational Goals
- Enforce District and School Policies
- Develop Implement, & Evaluate Programs

| Dr. Jerald McNair, Principal of Madison School - Staff Management
- Educational Goals
- Enforce District and School Policies
- Develop Implement, & Evaluate Programs

| Mrs. Chevia Rush, Principal of Coolidge Middle School - Staff Management
- Educational Goals
- Enforce District and School Policies
- Develop Implement, & Evaluate Programs