Arrival & Dismissal
The first class period begins at 7:45am. Students who enter the school after 7:52am are considered tardy.
For safety, students should not be dropped off in the parking lot. Drivers may be unable to see children who may run or walk in between or behind other vehicles to get to their vehicle.
The office will monitor instances of tardiness. If a student is tardy three times, parents will be notified. Students experiencing frequent tardiness must be reported to the Regional Office of Education for follow-up as possible truants.
The parking lot (circle drive)should not be used to drop off or pick up children from 7:30am -8:00am. Also, driving to the back of the school is prohibited.
The parking lot (Circle Drive)should not be used to pick up children. Additionally, driving to the back of the school to pick up or drop off a child is prohibited.
Students may be picked up along the east and west end of 155th Street.